Open Source Gallery participates at the 7. KloHäuschen Biennale in Munich

13.07. – 03.08.2024
or: 15 years of The KloHäuschen
“The KloHäuschen has been hosting its own biennial since 2012. And although it has already taken part in major international events and travelled almost halfway around the world, we have never really introduced it into the society of free “art spaces”.
That is about to change.
Because at the same time the KloHäuschen is turning 15 – it’s about time!
But what kind of society are these “spaces”?
Hosts* for contemporary art. For exhibitions, performances, dialogue. For newcomers and old hands. For the previously unseen, the unexpected – and sometimes even the unplanned. Local and international, small and large (and we only visited those up to a certain size). Some are in the middle of the street – others want to be discovered. Some can be found in the smallest corners – and sometimes only for a certain time.
They are all non-commercial (and find various ways to maintain their space anyway). Above all, they all represent their guests – and not just themselves. And they are all self-organized, make decisions and act as freely as possible – on their own responsibility and at their own risk.
So we are inviting these open spaces of art to the anniversary biennial in the KloHäuschen. Above all the Munich ones plus some spaces from abroad that are connected to the KloHäuschen (Ebersberg, Dresden, New York, …). And each space will have its own exhibition with 7 artists each. All in the KloHäuschen. Over 30 spaces have confirmed. Over 30 exciting exhibitions with a total of more than 200 participating artists.”
AlmResidency Benedikt Gahl Rupert Jörg Ömer Faruk Kaplan Agnes Müller Nelly Stein Anne Seiler Gülbin Ünlü Apartment der Kunst Katy Bittl Birthe Blauth Xenia Fumbarev Minjae Lee Uwe Jonas Pfeifer & Kreutzer Lin Wei-Lung Arkadien-Festival Wolfgang Florey Frenzy Höhne Peter Kees Elena Korowin Martin Liebmann Klaus Prätor Harald Seubert AUSTIN Christian Eisenberg Ludwig Kuffer Ludwig Neumayr Rosa Pfluger Asta Els Schleuder Tomasz Tofiski Igor Vrdoljak DG Kunstraum Michael von Brentano Judith Egger Katharina Gaenssler Susanne Hanus Lioba Leibl Werner Mally Sabine Straub die erste reihe Sandra Cagnoli Georg Gaigl Stefano Giuriati Florian Hammerich Yuliia Koval Ursula Ponn Naumann & Porsch digital art space Daniel Geiger Oleksiy Koval Thomas Rieger Gustav Henno Stolze Marie Lou Strauß Veronika Wenger Michael Wright EAREAR Cheng Hsin Chiang Afra Dopfer Young Ju Ha Jisu Kim Mary Kim Tommy Schmidt Min Shin GABRIELE SPACE Nicolas Louis Franz Dinh Rocco Dumot Helena Nowotny Sabrina Lößl-Lamboy Silvie Redlich Motte Paula Stinshoff Lena-Maria Stupitzky Galerie von Empfangshalle Anna Livia Dörr Empfangshalle Maria Justus MORGÜL Paulina Nolte Chaya Nouriani Gabriele Obermaier Galerie FOE Yvonne Bosl Simone Braitinger Max James Katrin Siebeck Alix Stadtbäumer Günter Stöber Bernd Weber galerieGEDOKmuc Luisa Banov Ruth Effer Brigitte Heintze Vera Nowottny Kathrina Rudolph Iris Schabert Katharina Schellenberger Gartenlaube der Kunst Fabian Feichter Lea Grebe Katharina Hansel Cris Koch Youlee Ku Vera Niess Lina Zylla GEH8 WERKRaum Marleen Andreev Matthias Bausch Susanne Engelhardt Saeed Foroghi Julia Pommer Juliane Schmidt Heinz Schmöller GiG Munich Jo Gebka Jakob Gilg Hannes Heinrich Anka Helfertová Hannah Mitterwallner Berthold Reiss Magdalena Wisniowska iRRland2 Lisa Ballmann Jenny Dam fraubischoff Nora Frohmann paulaner randstelle Brijit Baguette KunstKiosk Katrin Bertram Daniel Goehr Susu Gorth Ute Heim Barbara Herold Thomas Silberhorn Kerstin Skringer Kunstbüro reillplast Yutta Bernhardt Kristin Brunner Ralf Homann Nicola Müller Asja Schubert Peter Reill Siegfried Urlberger Kunstraum München Edenhofer+Numberger Sandra Hauser Boris Maximowitz Paula Leal Olloqui Cordula Schieri Max Weisthoff Frauke Zabel La Garaasch Ernst Farusso-Store Johannes Gottwald Irmgard Huber Sophia Mainka Andreas Mitterer rasso rottenfusser Tassilo Sussmann mezzanin Danilo Bastione Lena Bröcker Jutta Burkhardt Ragani Haas Rita Hensen Heeyoung Rosa Jo Monika Kapfer mim Raum für Kultur Jovana Banjac Julian Shreddy Elbel Hira Khan Shueh Oberschelp Ivan Paskalev Uschi Siebauer Yasser Vayani Montello Foundation Retreat Tracey Cockrell Rachel Harkai Markus Guschelbauer Stefan Marb Lea Titz Patricia Watwood Cedra Wood Muralarum Projekt Julie Bender Herdina Johannes Brechter Leni Burger Luca-Maria Hien François Huber Armin Kiss-Istok Masek NODEPRESSIONROOM CAN DIE David Ilzhöfer Serena Ferrario Marlene Meier Claudia Paulus Muriel Reinhardt Lia Melissa Wehrs Open Source Gallery Adam Brody Fabiola Burgos Labra Katerina Marcelja Felipe Mujica Miho Suzuki Vic Walsh Monika Wührer PINOKIOTHEK DER MODERNE Barbara Bruns Laura Osbild Katrin Petroschkat Christina Maria Pfeifer Raquel Ro Susanne Schütte-Steinig Katharina Weishäupl Schnitzer& Studio Johanna Berüter Anna Frydman Monika Humm Carolin Leyck Margret Lochner Eva Schnitzer Gabriele Stolz SOSOSO Sandra Bejarano Hyesun Jung Leonhard Rothmoser Regina Rupp Antonia Schlenk Vincent Vandaele Hisashi Yamamoto space n.n. Thomas Beschorner Leon Boden Theresa Gavin Andrea Karl momo & elias Tamara Reich Georg Weyerer streitfeld projektraum Regina Baierl Wolfgang Hurle Michael Lukas Kathrin Pfaff-Lukas Susanne Pittroff Maria Ploskow Uli Zwerenz SüdpART Gertrud Fassnacht Frauke Feuss Verena Friedrich Lore Galitz Ekkeland Götze Manuela Müller Liz Walinski Archive Artist Publications
WHO OR WHAT IS Das KloHäuschen?
Das KloHäuschen is the small room in the front corner of the outhouse of Munich’s Großmarkthalle (wholesale market) at the west entrance. Up until the late 1990’s, this part of the rest room was used as the men’s urinals.
However, when Munich artist Anja Uhlig first discovered Das KloHäuschen – empty, but beautiful – she fell in love. Anja Uhlig and her “realitaetsbüro” (office for reality affairs), have been renting the space from the city since Jan. 1, 2009. Anja started a project called The Measures to Ensoul the Old Public Toilet at Munich’s Wholesale Market. She works with Das KloHäuschen, and together they invite guests to collaborate. They invite them to see Das KloHäuschen in its natural beauty, to identify a way Das KloHäuschen can interact with their own work and together, create a new work, a work which can be created only with and because of this collaboration. In this way, Das KloHäuschen becomes a brand new space with every collaboration.