SUNDAY JULY 10, 11:00am
cHURCH OF MONIKA @ Open Source: 306 17th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11215
Correlation in its current version contains seven circular objects that are hung and interconnected in one pulley system. The audience can interact with the objects by moving them up and down. When one object or multiple objects are moved, their movement affects the position of other untouched objects in the system. It requires negotiation to arrange each object to the ideal viewing position to experience the details of the objects.
The circular objects are constructed with translucent sheets, fabric-covered disks, a two-way mirror, and programmed LED lights in a similar form and structure. Yet, they vary in size. Each one is clothed in a different fabric and has the inner lights going around in its distinct rhythm.
Correlation was developed and made during my two-month residency at Sculpture Space in April and May. I intend to continue refining Correlation to explore interdependence, solidarity, individuality, perception, and movement.