SeoKyeong Lee Yoon

Rummage | Press Release | Wong Kit Yi | Kai Vierstra | SeoKyeong Lee Yoon | Christine Wong Yap and Lauren Frances Adams

Used Toys for Sale

Thursday, June 18 – Saturday, June 20

Summer Time

SeoKyeong Lee Yoon will install her collection of toys, which will be transformed and reassembled in strange and twisted ways. Her installation will evoke the nostalgia of childhood along with memories of cartoons and fairy tales, as well as nightmares.

SeoKyeong Lee Yoon was born in a small town in the countryside of South Korea. Her favorite toys were animals and insects. Always dreaming about flying to a bigger place, she moved to the U.S.A. After exploring San Francisco for a year, she moved to Brooklyn and completed her graduate studies at Pratt Institute in 2015. Yoon makes installations, performances, videos and sculptures, mostly from her collection of toys, including animals.

Photos by Serry Park