Thomas Lendvai: Untitled (four black units, steel study, black X’s)

Thomas Lendvai: Untitled (four black units, steel study, black X’s)

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Thomas Lendvai: Untitled (four black units, steel study, black X’s)


Thomas Lendvai, Untitled (four black units), 2017, 6″x 6″x 25″, Painted Medex

Untitled (steel study), 2017, 6″x 6″x 25″, Painted Medex

Untitled (black X’s), 2018, 9″x 9″x 22″, Painted Medex

Value: four black units – $1500

steel study – $1500

black X’s – $1600

Small sculpture that also serves as a potential model for larger scale public art projects. These pieces also inform my architectural scale installations.

Brooklyn-based artist Thomas Lendvai transforms everyday construction materials into large-scale, site-responsive, sculptural experiences that highlight the intrinsic and elemental value inherent within the materials and explore the notion of self. Through his work, Lendvai melds his knowledge of carpentry, taught to him by his father at an early age, with his interest in modernist and post-modernist theory of sculpture and philosophical and scientific definitions of time and space. Lendvai’s site-responsive installations make use of fundamental geometric forms to address concepts of space and time, and to engage audiences through experiential installations that break down the boundary between the art object and the subject and question the notions art, design, and architecture. His work encourages movement and a continuous awareness of a series of nows, allowing for audiences to experience a more tactile engagement with space and self.