Fuse-Works: Some Assembly Required

Fuse-Works: Some Assembly Required

February 8th -March 5th
Opening Reception: February 8th, 7-9pm

“You didn’t build that”
–Barack Obama, July 13, 2012

The curatorial initiative Fuse Works, which exhibits and promotes artists multiples, presents a new group of editions with the emphasis on artists “kits”. Requiring participation rather than simple observation, most of the works in this show must be cut, pasted, cultivated, filled in, filled out or otherwise completed by the collector. Some are useful objects in a very literal sense, while some propose use as philosophical objects – to be employed as a part of one’s cognitive tool kit. Of course kits have art historical precedence, from Duchamp’s Box in a Valise to Fluxus boxes and Flux-kits. But the impulse to create work that is used and/or completed by the viewer speaks to the aspiration of contemporary art to embody forms of communication beyond the passively visual. At the same time, the creation of artworks that come to life as they are manipulated and altered by those other-than-the-artist undermines the tendencies toward rarification and commodity entrenched in today’s art.

Some Assembly Required includes Tom Burtonwood, Celeste Fichter, Chuck Jones, Christina Kelly, Mariano Chavez, Piers Watson, Glen Einbinder, John Marriott, Peter Feigenbaum, Gary Kachadourian, Cadence Giersbach, Sara Bouchard and James Leonard.

See more Images of Artworks.

A bronze casting workshop will be offered in conjunction with Some Assembly Required.

Some Assembly Required | Images | Bronze Casting Workshop | Press Release