June 16th, 7pm EST
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Frid Branham’s work spans multidisciplinary forms including sculpture, installation, fiber, and 2-d mediums. She investigates the markings and remains which reflect changes in our natural and built environments; and how our social habits form or affect our surroundings. As an artist and architect, her work regularly reflects on the conventions and history of everyday and home; our daily routines, especially those leaving or requiring marks. How are our decisions affected by nature and what do we gain by the associations of experience, rituals, memory and perception? Using her initial history background and interest, Frid is fascinated by simple events and primitivism found in our youngest through oldest beings.
There is great satisfaction completing a work, which requires a lot of focused effort, while knowing very little about the method. The laborious and repetitive nature of making, acts as her guide and largest challenge, and at times, the process has become a tremendous struggle. Working as an architect, in a field primarily dominated by men, she chooses to use mediums and methods historically defined as “women’s work”. Frid is regularly reminded of her gender differences and believe the scale and duration challenges these perceptions.