Box Car Workshops and Derby 2014

Box Car Workshops and Derby 2014

Photo by Miho Suzuki In Open Source Gallery’s Soap Box Workshop (now located at Splats and Squiggles space at 539 3rd Ave (between 13th and 14th streets), children aged 7 to 15 learn to construct functional, eco-friendly racers out of recycled materials. Under the strict 

Open Source Gallery believes that art education is integral in our children’s development. We are always pleased to host private viewings and workshops in our gallery space for students of any age. If you are interested in arranging a visit for your class, please contact 

October 26th and 27th: 2-6pm Performance/play with participants on Halloween, Location to be determined. Workshop with Children 8-50 years old. Maximum 8 kids. Free, but RSV with subject line “The Tittanno Beast vs The Super Force”. The collective known as “The Tittanno Beast vs The 

Soap Box Derby 2013

Soap Box Derby 2013

Photo by Michael A. Clubine Derby: August 10th (every car built out of found material can be part of the race!) All drivers have to arrive at noon. The race starts at 1pm Kids ages 7-15: 1pm Adults: 2pm Workshops: July 15th – 19th, July Fueled by the success of our popular soap box workshop and derby, we at Open Source have launched a series of new building and engineering classes as part of out new KOKO curriculum. As an artist and a parent myself, I believe it is