Family Sunday: Your Social Pharmacy

Open Source Gallery 306 17th St, Brooklyn, New York

For every show the Open Source Gallery team works closely with the Exhibiting Artist(s) to prepare hands on activities for the entire family. Family Sunday at Collecting Health: March 3, 3:00 - 5:00pm RSVP is not required, but encouraged. Bring your kids and join us 

Family Sunday: Nautical Puppet Fest

KoKo Lot 440 19th St, Brooklyn, NY

Join us on Family Sunday for Ahoy, Matey! at the Lot (1-3pm) and Juggling and Embroidery at Open Source (3-5pm)! Ahoy, Matey! Nautical Puppet Fest Where: At the KoKo Lot 440 19th Street (Brooklyn between 8th avenue and Prospect Park West) When: Sunday, May 19th, 

Family Sunday: Juggling and Embroidery

Open Source Gallery 306 17th St, Brooklyn, New York

Join us on Family Sunday for Ahoy, Matey! at the Lot (1-3pm) and Juggling and Embroidery at Open Source (3-5pm)! Juggling and Embroidery at Open Source Where: Open Source Gallery (360 17th Street, Brooklyn) When: Sunday, May 19th, 3-5pm RSVP Now! Bring your entire family 

Family Ceramics Workshop with Grace Sachi Troxell and students

KoKo Lot 440 19th St, Brooklyn, NY

this pot is made of earth and when it breaks, my father laughs| press release | events | installation view When: Saturday, October 5th, 12pm-2pm Where: The KoKo Lot (440 19th St., Brooklyn) Bring the whole family and join students from Hamilton College's Advanced Ceramics class to make collaborative sculptures inspired