Open Source Gallery 306 17th St, Brooklyn, New York

What is the cHURCH? | Livestream August 13, 2017 11:00am Join us for the an artist talk via Skype by Sana Obaid at the cHURCH OF MONIKA. Obaid will discuss her work, her current exhibit at Open Source, "دیوار | De-war | Wall," and her 



Open Source Gallery 306 17th St, Brooklyn, New York

Join us for a screening of a short film and discussion with Sara Gozalo and Francis Madi about DACA. This is a free event. Bagels and coffee will be served. In this short film, Francis Madi explains what DACA has meant for her and the 


cHURCH OF MONIKA: ritual cools the head

Open Source Gallery 306 17th St, Brooklyn, New York

Join us at the cHURCH to participate in "ritual cools the head," an interactive project by Nia I'man Smith. This is a free event. Bagels and coffee will be served. Emerging from Smith’s own engagement with ritual as an Orisa devotee within the Isese tradition 


cHURCH OF MONIKA: Music for the Doomed

Open Source Gallery 306 17th St, Brooklyn, New York

Join us at the cHURCH OF MONIKA for a staged reading of David Brensilver’s Music for the Doomed. This is a free event. Bagels and coffee will be served. In the not-too-distant future, a poet-composer — an artivist — is sentenced to prison under the 

cHURCH OF MONIKA: Spencer Merolla

Open Source Gallery 306 17th St, Brooklyn, New York

Join us at the cHURCH OF MONIKA to explore the concept of time capsules with artist Spencer Merolla. This is a free event. Bagels and coffee will be served. ​Humans make monuments wherever they go, inscribing the present onto the world so that it can 



Open Source Gallery 306 17th St, Brooklyn, New York

Join Adam Brody, founder of Brooklyn's CricketFarm, at the cHURCH for a presentation about the art of farming crickets for people to eat. This is a free event. Bagels and coffee will be served. Crickets are exponentially more environmentally sustainable than beef, chicken, and pork-- 


cHURCH OF MONIKA: Open Source Pharma

Open Source Gallery 306 17th St, Brooklyn, New York

When: March 17, 11am - 1pm Where: Open Source Gallery RSVP here In the setting of Jody Wood’s Collecting Health, Jaykumar Menon and Aleks Mehrle will discuss Open Source Pharma’s mission to develop affordable new therapies in areas of great health need, by using open 

*cHURCH OF MONIKA: Monika Drożyńska and Bartek Remisko

Open Source Gallery 306 17th St, Brooklyn, New York

When: Sunday, April 14th, 11am – 1pm Where: Open Source Gallery RSVP Now! Join us for bagels and coffee during the opening weekend of Latte Capitalizm and learn more about the history and politics of language with artist Monika Drożyńska and Bartek Remisko from the 

*cHURCH OF MONIKA | Limit is the limit: projectarians against lat(t)e capitalizm

Open Source Gallery 306 17th St, Brooklyn, New York

Limit is the limit: projectarians against lat(t)e capitalizm When: Sunday, April 28th, 11am - 1pm Where: Open Source Gallery RSVP Now! The limitless aspiration is one of the driving forces of artistic projectarians – people who make one project after another and many in the 

*cOM | Sara Bouchard: Aural Ecologies

Open Source Gallery 306 17th St, Brooklyn, New York

cHURCH OF MONIKA Sara Bouchard: Aural Ecologies Where: Open Source Gallery When: Sunday, May 19, 11am - 1pm RSVP Now! Sound artist Sara Bouchard will present a performance and discussion based on her current research:  building live-coded, immersive soundscapes in collaboration with the local environment. In