Blair Neal: Attention Graph

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Blair Neal: Attention Graph
Blair Neal, Attention Graph, 2024, 12″x18″, Pen Illustration via Pen Plotter Machine
Value: $150
Starting Bid: $75
This piece, “Attention Graph,” is part of an exploration of using a pen plotter (essentially a simple robot that can draw with different tools) to create complex drawings from hand drawn abstract images he created. This piece is based of a digital drawing that originally took about 72 hours to make over the course of a year. The original drawing was then converted using a custom process, and then printed by the pen plotter using different types and weights of pens. The final piece explores the intersections between hand-drawn digital art and mechanical reproduction. More information about the process for this piece and others can be found here:
Blair Neal is an artist and creative technologist. His work spans multiple mediums including code, abstract digital illustration, real-time video, light art, and more.